Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund
Jack WestShare
Decades of daily direct protection have saved critically endangered mountain gorillas from extinction and stabilized their tiny population. We have now expanded the same methods to help save nearby Grauer’s gorillas, which are experiencing dramatic declines. All types of gorillas are critically endangered and face serious threats to their survival, but our daily protection works!
From showing what one person with courage and commitment can do, to creating innovations in science and conservation, Dian Fossey truly created a lasting legacy. She is immortalized today as well through the gorilla population that still lives on, due to the work she started.
Source: https://gorillafund.org/what-we-do/daily-protection/
Learn more or directly donate: https://gorillafund.org
Disclaimer: We are not endorsed by Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund or their affiliates. We believe that the foundations we mention embody the mission we work toward: to strive for a better and safer world for monkeys and all great apes and their homes. In this effort, We donate 10% of our sales proceeds to the non-profits we mention.